Latest Episodes

August 01, 2023
1 The function of the ego in relationship to the Real Self + Introduction
What is the endgame of being human? Where are we all heading? What’s the point of life? Our goal is always one thing: to...

August 02, 2023
2 What blocks the ego from connecting with the Real Self
Our attempts to find ourselves—to understand who we are, where we belong in the world, and how we can fulfill ourselves—require a certain amount...

August 03, 2023
3 The ego’s cooperation with or obstruction of the Real Self
As we make our way along our path of self-realization, these words can act like a spiritual bulldozer for each obstruction we encounter in...

August 04, 2023
4 How unconscious negativity stops the ego from surrendering
We have been looking at the relationship between our ego-consciousness and universal intelligence. When we are primarily functioning from our ego, we are going...

August 05, 2023
5 Living with polar opposites and finding the good in being selfish
Unhappiness is an indication of sickness. Usually, though, we interpret unhappiness the wrong way, causing us to fight whatever we think is making us...

August 06, 2023
6 Self-identification through the stages of awakening consciousness
Now let’s look at consciousness from a different angle. We humans have a hard time understanding that consciousness is something that permeates all of...