15 Cause and effect on various levels of consciousness

15 Cause and effect on various levels of consciousness
After the Ego
15 Cause and effect on various levels of consciousness

Aug 15 2023 | 00:30:31

Episode 15 August 15, 2023 00:30:31

Hosted By

Jill Loree

Show Notes

It’s not easy to talk about cause and effect on this three-dimensional level. But let’s try. We can start by saying that at the lowest level of development—on the scale of consciousness—there is no cause and effect. Or at least there doesn’t appear to be any. As we raise our level of consciousness, we are able to see new horizons. From our new perspective, we are able to see how effects are connected to causes we previously didn’t even know existed. When we crest the hill and reach the point where consciousness becomes completely God-infused, cause and effect will no longer exist.

Here we see that, once again, the lowest forms of consciousness have something in common with the highest forms. But there’s an enormous difference in what they hold, in terms of attitudes and underlying feelings and thoughts. We can easily understand that primitive consciousness sees the world as an unconnected series of events that are unrelated to cause and effect. It may be harder for us to understand how in the highest realms it doesn’t exist at all. And this reality is nearly impossible to convey using human words.

Here on Earth, every act has its consequence. That’s not so hard to realize. It’s not quite as easy to see that the same relationship exists between our thoughts or our subtle inner attitudes and the overall circumstances of our life. But the more developed we become, the more we will be able to perceive cause and effect on these less obvious levels of consciousness. On this spiritual path, such perceptions gradually become more acute, and in fact this is very strongly emphasized.

If we commit some overt act—let’s say we kill another person—the consequences will be obvious. But we are also killing another person when we malign them. We do this through our questionable accusations, blindness, stubbornness or ill will; when we refuse to give another person the benefit of the doubt; when we don’t try to use honest communication or openness to create a different reality. Such secret “killing” has consequences that are just as severe as physical killing.

At first, the effects of this kind of action might be hard for us to perceive. But as we raise our consciousness, we will start to see there’s a definite connection between cause and effect. This exists even if the cause was not an overt act but a hidden thought we had previously ignored.

In our current state of consciousness, living in this three-dimensional world, we often find ourselves to be, in many ways, halfway. Our world is not all bad, but it’s also not all good. Our personalities too are not all bad, but also not all good. We don’t live in heaven, but we also don’t live in hell. Our lives represent both extremes.

Listen and learn more.

Read: Cause and Effect on Various Levels of Consciousness

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